Private Ney Lessons

by Elyas Taghiani

Private Ney Lessons

Learn how to play Persian ney through one of our comprehensive methods that takes you through a progressive approach addressing technique, musicality, and so much more.

Elyas' teaching style focuses on student growth and his expectations as the instructor are adjusted for the student's goals. He works with each student on their own level and adjusts as needed with other supplemental resources. Each student is an individual, so he utilizes as many resources as possible to help them achieve their goals and become the best musicians they can be!

Beginner students start with the fundamentals, like how to hold the ney correctly, how to get sound out of it, breath control, finger placement, reading music, rhythm, and learning simple songs. Intermediate and advanced students continue to progress with increased proficiency in techniques, Persian radif, and significant Persian repertoire.

Students at all levels will be given a repertoire selection from multiple eras of music (Traditional, Folk, Radif) to study and perfect.

Each online Ney lesson takes place between one teacher and one student for either 30, 45 or 60 minutes. For children's sessions, parents can attend their child's classes.

No skills are required; you can be a beginner student
You will need a ney
The most important part of music study takes place at home; the more you practice, the better you will be
Get excited about learning ney, as an inspired learner learns faster and easier

  • No skills required; you can be a beginner student
  • You will need a ney

Private Ney Lessons
